Mushroom Musings

Capturing Fleeting Moments of Beauty

I used to be completely obsessed with sunsets over the ocean. I'd spend so much time just watching the sky change color, waiting for that perfect moment when the sun would dip below the horizon. It always felt magical. I also loved taking pictures of the scenery around my school. Whether it was a quiet path or sunlight filtering through the trees, I wanted to capture it all. And the funny thing is, I did all of this with just my phone.

Back then, I would often post these photos online, not really expecting much from it. To my surprise, a lot of my schoolmates started saving them and using them as their social media banners. It was strange at first, seeing something I had taken just because I thought it was beautiful being shared like that. But honestly, I didn't feel indignant. If anything, it was kind of nice that others found the same beauty in those moments that I did.

One day, a senior in my school, someone who was studying film, saw my photos on the school forum. He left me a comment, saying I had a talent for photography. It caught me off guard because I never thought about it that way. I wasn't trying to be talented or stand out—I just loved beautiful things. Whether it's nature, the ocean, or a quiet corner of campus, there's always something worth appreciating.

Maybe that's why I take photos. It's my way of holding on to those little moments of beauty that the world gives us, even if they're fleeting.

Enjoyed reading? Write me at hellomushroom @ proton dot me. 🍄

#memories #nature