Mushroom Musings

Vienna Waits For You

So, I turned 24 a few months ago, and let me tell you, this age is weird. Not in a bad way, just… different. There's something about this stage of life that feels like a mix of both trying to figure everything out and pretending like you already have. Sometimes I feel like I'm nailing this whole adulting thing, and other times, I'm texting my grandma to ask how to cook rice (again).

The other night, I was sitting in my room, feeling a little overwhelmed about life, and I randomly put on Vienna by Billy Joel. You know that feeling when a song just clicks with you? It hit me hard. As I was listening to it, I began to realize how much pressure I've been putting on myself, especially about my age.

That line, Vienna waits for you, really got to me. Here I am, 24, thinking I need to have everything figured out, but maybe I don't. Maybe life doesn't need to be this rush to get somewhere or achieve everything all at once. And honestly, that thought was kind of freeing.

There's this constant pressure to have everything mapped out by now—career goals, personal life, savings account that isn't just a joke. But truth is, I'm still figuring out who I am and what I even want half the time. It's okay not to have a five-year plan or a clear passion. Honestly, no one really knows what they're doing. We're all just winging it and hoping no one notices.

One thing I've learned, though, is to be kinder to myself. If I'm still figuring things out, that's fine. I'm not racing anyone to some invisible finish line. On days when everything feels overwhelming, I just focus on the small wins—like actually doing laundry before I'm out of clothes.

Vienna waits for me, and for now? That's enough.

Enjoyed reading? Write me at hellomushroom @ proton dot me. 🍄
